Faça o Que Ama (Com Ajuda dos Investimentos)

Many of us are so afraid of being frustrated that we don't even allow ourselves to dream; It was my case for years.

I grew up hearing 'this won't work', 'be careful!'. So, I decided to follow the path that everyone follows: study, graduate and have a good job. Yes, indeed, it has brought a lot of financial security , but little happiness. It was then that I realized that I wasn't doing what I loved, that I was in my job for the salary. My dream has always been to undertake and explore new adventures. However, at that moment, I couldn't just throw everything up and walk away; a plan would be needed.

The plan was created in just a few walks outdoors. But it took years of hard work and dedication to execute my "freedom plan."

The plan was this : I would invest and reinvest ALL the money I earned, so that in 5 years I would no longer need to work on something I no longer liked. And that's exactly what happened, and in 2017, to the astonishment of all my coworkers and family, I managed, through my investments , to have enough income to comfortably quit my job and finally dedicate myself to what I loved doing.

Therefore, in my case, investments were not a final destination , but rather a way to achieve my dreams and find emotional tranquility , as I was on the verge of panic attacks due to inconsistencies between my values ​​and those of my work. Finally, I want to say: Never give up on your dreams; Always look for a way out, and seriously consider investments as a means to achieve them.

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If you need any help with investments , here are my contacts .


#equity #volatility #pay-out #risk #return #stockmarket #variable income #fixed income #derivatives #commodities #focusongain #financialmarket #investors #stockholdings #returns #diversification #assets #portfolios #macroeconomicanalyses #microeconomicanalyses #profits #companies #investments #funds #trading #stocks #investment #speculation #hedging #economicanalyses #gains #dividends #interestonequity #assetvolatility #risk #return #stockmarket #variableincome