Federal Reserve, faça sua escolha: Soft landing ou Bumpy landing?

Federal Reserve, make your choice: Soft landing or Bumpy landing?

Image by: Freepik Inflation data in the United States from September leads us to believe that the Fed will have to choose between a Soft landi...
Federal Reserve, faça sua escolha: Soft landing ou Bumpy landing?

Federal Reserve, make your choice: Soft landing or Bumpy landing?

Image by: Freepik Inflation data in the United States from September leads us to believe that the Fed will have to choose between a Soft landi...
Inflação nos EUA em Setembro Supera Projeções: Quais as Perspectivas?

Inflation in the US in September Exceeds Projections: What are the Outlooks?

The United States Consumer Price Index (CPI) was expected to increase 3.6%, but exceeded expectations, reaching 3.7% in the 12 months . This was...
Inflação acelera em setembro, com gasolina como principal vilã.

Inflation accelerates in September, with gasoline as the main villain.

IMAGE: Freepik Inflation for the month of September was 0.26% , above the rate of 0.23% recorded in August. The result was driven by the ris...
FMI alerta para endividamento mundial e pede medidas dos governos

IMF warns of global debt and calls for government measures

Image by Freepik The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned that global public debt will approach the size of the entire global economy by...
Fed pode desistir de alta de juros para conter inflação.

Fed may give up on interest rate hikes to contain inflation.

Could rising long-term Treasury yields signal an end to the Fed's interest rate hike cycle? Image by Freepick Federal Reserve officials hav...
Qual a impacto da guerra entre Israel e Hamas  para o investidor?

What is the impact of the war between Israel and Hamas on investors?

Image by Freepik / Frimufilms Today, global financial markets are digesting the impact caused by the unprecedented attacks on Israel. Investors ar...
PIB dos EUA se mostra resiliente.

US GDP appears resilient.

Image by Freepik In the second quarter of 2023, US GDP grew at an annual rate of 2.1%, slightly below the revised 2.2% in the first quarter ...
Dinheiro x Imposto?

Money x Tax?

É seguro investir no PRIMO RICO?

Is it safe to invest in PRIMO RICO?

Dividends - how does it affect your life and why is it so important to you? Dividends are important to you as an investor because at some p...
Silicon Valley Bank O que causou sua quebra? Qual o risco para as fintechs brasileiras?

Silicon Valley Bank What caused it to fail? What is the risk for Brazilian fintechs?

Investidor Avançado
In recent days, we have had a significant number of bank failures in the United States. We had the second biggest bank failure in the United St...
Top Trader do Goldman que ganhava mais que CEO sai do banco inesperadamente.

Goldman Top Trader Who Makes More Than CEO Quits Bank Unexpectedly.

Investidor Avançado
Yesterday, it was announced on the website of Bloomberg and Valor Econômico that one of the main traders of the bank Goldman Sachs is leav...
Vivo compra a empresa Vale Saúde Sempre.

Vivo buys Vale Saúde Semper.

Investidor Iniciante
With so many things happening in the world of investments , Vivo couldn't be left out. Today, Saturday, March 4, 2023, I woke up to the news t...
Arbitragem com as ações da EDP Brasil. Deu certo?

Arbitrage with the shares of EDP Brasil. It worked out?

Investidor Avançado
In this article, I describe my experience trying to arbitrage EDP shares. This morning, I read my newspaper, Valor Econômico , and woke up with...

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