Como está a temporada de resultados no S&P 500? E aqui no Brasil?

How is the earnings season for the S&P 500? And here in Brazil?

Investidor Iniciante
Before evaluating the Brazilian stock market scenario , it is essential to turn our attention to the world's main financial center : New York and i...
Para que Serve O Boletim Focus?

What is the Focus Bulletin for?

Investidor Avançado
I really like following the Focus Bulletin, as it is an average of the most important macroeconomic estimates here in Brazil. What is the Focus Bul...
O Futuro do Petróleo

The Future of Oil

Investidor Avançado
What to expect from the price of a barrel of oil? Stanley Reed , one of the most respectable journalists in the energy field, highlighted some poi...
Investimentos na Black Friday

Investments on Black Friday

Investidor Avançado
Black Friday has arrived at many retail stores. But did it also reach investments? The vast majority of market analysts predict and indicate the...
A Armadilha Dos Dividendos

The Dividend Trap

Investidor Iniciante
Imagine yourself as a partner in a company that, over the years, regularly paid you a pro-labore fee. Suddenly, that payment is abruptly st...
Mudança de juros impacta Banco Inter, Nubank, C6?

Change in interest rates impact Banco Inter, Nubank, C6?

Investidor Iniciante
Yesterday we had "Super Wednesday" with decisions on domestic interest rates in the United States by the Fed and here in Brazil we had the dec...
Como não perder dinheiro com ações?

How not to lose money on stocks?

Investidor Iniciante How not to lose money on stocks? Who has never suffered losses with some type of investment that throws the first ...
Quanto vale uma empresa?

How much is a company worth?

Investidor Iniciante
How much is a company worth? Discovering how much a company is worth is the starting point for Value Investing and to answer this question...

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