Se Você Acha Arriscado Investir, Tente o Risco de Não Investir.

If You Think It's Risky to Invest, Try the Risk of Not Investing.

Investidor Iniciante
Investing has always been and will always be risky, without a doubt. Who has never needed to save to buy their own house, a new car or even to pay...
IPCA-15 Sobe 0,33% em Novembro.

IPCA-15 Rises 0.33% in November.

Investidor Iniciante
In November this year, the Broad National Consumer Price Index 15 (IPCA-15), which anticipates the country's official in...

Bradesco Net Profit of R$4.6 billion Drop of 11% in the Quarter. Company in Divã.

Investidor Avançado
What is Bradesco's problem? In my opinion, the bank is going through an identity crisis that has lasted for years. He doesn't know who he is a...
Juros Alto Por Mais Tempo Ou Juros Voltando Para Onde Devia?

Interest rates high for longer or interest rates returning to where they should be?

Investidor Avançado
Campos Neto, the President of the Central Bank of Brazil, made some statements during the 2024 Investment Forum, which was promoted by Brades...
O que é uma ação?  Vale a pena?

What is an action? It is worth it?

Investidor Iniciante
What is an action? I'll leave two action definitions: From an investor 's point of view: a share is a title to the ownership of a company...
O que é uma debênture? Para que serve? Vale a pena?

What is a debenture? What is it for? It is worth it?

Investidor Iniciante
Accountingly speaking, a company is a mountain of money. Here's what the fundamental accounting formula tells us: A = From the English Ass...
Quanto rende uma debênture?

How much does a debenture yield?

Investidor Iniciante
Profitability of debentures Debentures have two sources of value: the first is capital gain , and the second is income . First source of v...

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